We'll be holding a Leavers' Assembly for our Sixth Form Year 13 students on Friday 12th May from 2-3pm. This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to reminisce with their year group and teachers about their seven years as part of the CHS community. It will also give teachers the chance to recognise and celebrate all the hard work and effort of this cohort.
Study Leave for Year 13 will begin on Monday 15th May and the Sixth Form Leadership team have already outlined the plans to students for this:
- Students taking exams have been advised to continue to come into school for lessons after 12th May for exam support. Teachers will be available for students who come in for revision.
- Students who are undertaking coursework-based subjects know that they need to continue to attend lessons until all coursework is complete and the course leader for the subject has signed them off.
- Students should speak with Miss Boulton, Mr Franklin or the relevant course tutor if they have any questions.
We wish these wonderful young people every success with their exams and look forward to celebrating with them at A Level Results Day on Thursday 17th August.