Our Winning Year 10 Scientists
22 of our Year 10 Scientists took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge, winning Gold, Bronze and COmmendations.

Sisters n Sport Semifinal for our u14s Team
Our u14s team took part in the semifinals of the Sisters n Sport National Plate Competition in June.

Performing Arts Students Busy with High School Musical Rehearsals
Our Performing Arts students and staff are even busier now, with HSM rehearsals really ramping up.

Our Spring in a Frame Photography Winners
Year 7 Freddie L and Year 9 Jess D were the winners of our Spring in a Frame photography competition.

Language Scholars Treated to Unique Italian Lessons
As an end of half-term treat, our MFL teacher, Miss Cigala, helped our enthusiastic Language scholars make a classic Italian dessert.
Introducing our New Apple Learning Coach, Mr Davis!
Our ICT teacher, Mr Davis, has been certified as an Apple Learning Coach as a result of his dedication to fostering innovative teaching methods and empowering students through technology.

Our Year 7b Progress Evening
We're looking forward to meeting with Year 7b Parents and Carers on Thursday 16th May for their child's Progress Evening.
High School Musical Rehearsals
It's another busy week of rehearsals for our High School Musical students!
MFL Club Classroom Tourists Arrive in Germany
In their first meeting after the Easter break, our MFL Club classroom tourists learned about all things German!

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.

South Cheshire Champions!
Congratulations to our winning Year 7 and year 9 Football teams at the South Cheshire Cup Finals in April.
Over 100 Entries for Spring in a Frame Photography Competition
We've had over 100 photographs submitted for our Spring in a Frame Competition and the shortlisted images will be on show at our Exhibition and Awards on Wednesday 22nd May.

Key Stage 3 Scientists Study Life in Miniature
Our Key Stage 3 Scientists compared animal and plant cells under the microscope in their after-school Science Club.

Students Challenged in House Launch Week
Our House Launch Week officially began on Monday 22nd April with two quizzes for students to complete throughout the week.

Year 12 Social Scientists' London Learning
A trip to London gave Year 12 Social Scientists greater insight in to the legal system and inventor of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.

MFL Club to Explore Germany
After the Easter break, our MFL Club tourists will be immersing themselves in the German culture and language.

CHS Choir Impresses at Town Hall Concert
In March our Choir performed at the Town Hall as part of The Love Music Trust's event showcasing the talent of students in Cheshire East.
A Great End to the Season for our Netball Teams
In March we ended the Netball season with South Cheshire Netball Tournament matches at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.

Another Successful CHS Careers Fair
We welcomed over 40 employers to speak with students from Year 7 to Year 13 at our 2024 Careers Fair.

MFL Students Enjoy Spanish Culture, Food and Sunshine
Our MFL students enjoyed culture, language, food and, of course, the 20 degree sun on their trip to Málaga in March.

Spring in a Frame Competition is back!
Our 'Spring in a Frame' wildlife photography competition is back and there are lots of great prizes up for grabs!

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.

Year 8 Cryptographers Attend Oxford Prizegiving
Our talented Year Cryptographers - Lauren W, Lydia H, Sophie C and Tilly B - travelled down to Oxford in March to collect their award and lots of prizes for winning the CyberFirst Girls Competition.

Sixth Form English Students Enjoy Unique Production Of Hardy Classic
Our Sixth Form English Literature students enjoyed a unique 'circus skills' production of Hardy’s Tess of the D'Urbervilles in February.

Our MFL Club Presents: Una Viagem a Portugal
Our MFL Club Year 7 students enjoyed una viagem a Portugal (a trip to Portugal) in February.

Sixth Form Students Enjoy English Language Conference
In February, our Sixth Form English Language students attended an English Language conference to hear talks from a range of eminent linguists.
Year 10 Rotary Young Photographer Winners
Three of our Year 10 students were awarded prizes in the Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

Year 7 Students Guess the Employers
Year 7 students took part in our Guess the Employer Careers event in January.
Post 18 Planning for Sixth Form Students
Our Sixth Form students enjoyed a range of enrichment sessions at the end of January, helping them to plan for higher education, careers and becoming more self sufficient.

A Fantastic Opportunity for our Year 10 Scientists
Thirty of our Year 10 Scientists learned more about the wonderful world of Science at GCSE Science Live in January
A Second Hamilton Opportunity for Students
In January a second group of our Year 8-13 Performing Arts students were lucky enough to watch Hamilton at the Palace Theatre in Manchester.

Congleton Sixth Form Students Make History
Sixth Form students from Congleton High School enjoyed great success in the first ever Congleton Sixth Forms History Essay Competition.

Apprenticeship Opportunity for Year 12 Students
In January a group of our Year 13 Sixth Form students took part in a Mock Assessment Centre Day run by The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge at Shrigley Hall

Sixth Form Perfect their Public Speaking Skills
Thank you to all the representatives of Congleton Rotary who came in to school in January to help prepare a team of our Year 12 students for the Rotary Youth Speaks competition.

PE Extracurricular Timetable has Lots to Offer
Our latest PE extracurricular timetable has lots on offer for students this half term

Students Delighted with High School Musical Announcement
High School Musical has been revealed as the CHS 2024 summer production and students have been invited to audition for main cast and support roles.
Our December Newsletter is Out Now
Read all about our busy half-term in the December newsletter.

Zachary's Guess Wins the Prize!
Year 7 Zachary J made the winning guess in our Christmas LRC Competition to guess the total number of pages in the book snowman.

GCSE German Students get a Taste of Germany in Manchester
Our GCSE German students were able to get a taste of German Christmas Markets when they visited the Christmas Markets in Manchester in December.
Year 9's Big Arts Day
In December, our Year 9 students spent a full day exploring their creativity and produced some amazing artworks as a result

Drama Students Experience Hamilton at the Palace
Year 9 and Year 10 Drama students visited The Palace Theatre in December to see Hamilton live.

Year 8 Rugby's 7-2 Win Levels Up Congleton Cup
Our Year 8 Rugby team's win against Eaton Bank enabled us to level up the Congleton Cup series.

A Christmas Carol for Year 10 and Year 11
In November we welcomed actors from Quantum Theatre who performed "A Christmas Carol," for Year 10 and Year 11.

Great Football Result for Year 8 and 9
Our Year 8 and Year 9 Footballers finished second overall in their November matches at Shavington with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November
"I'll Remember this Forever!"
Thirty of our Performing Arts students visited the Empire Theatre to take part in workshops before experiencing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory live on stage.
Speedy Careers Opportunity for Year 8
As part of our ongoing Careers programme, our Year 8 students took part in a Speed Networking event in November.
Students Enjoy Brand New Refectory
Our brand new refectory is now up and running and students are able to enjoy break and lunch in one of our two dedicated facilities!

Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists Explore the Past, Present and Future
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists visited Jodrell Bank to gather information for their Space and Light and Sound topics.
The Lights are on in Manufacturing Club
Our Key Stage 3 students have designed and made some fabulous lamps in our after school Manufacturing Club
#TeamCHS Continues Winning Streak
What a great way to finish off the half-term, with wins for our Netball and Football teams.

Calling Budding CHS Chefs
We are delighted to be able to offer students the opportunity to take part in the fantastic Rotary Young Chef Competition again this year.
Year 8 Enjoy Engineering with Lego
A group of Year 8 students enjoyed a LEGO event in September, making a robot and using computer code to make it move and hop.

CHS Alumna, Emily, Now Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke
We were very proud to learn that CHS Alumna, Emily Hepting, is now a Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke Hospital.
Rainy Race for Life Raises £484
Despite poor weather, the #TeamCHS Race for Life runners and walkers raised a fabulous £484 for Cancer Research.

Key Stage 3 Art Talent on Show
Once again there was a wonderful array of artworks on show at our Key Stage 3 Art Exhibition in July.

Year 12's Interest Sparked at Keele University
Our Year 12 History students had a taste of university life on their recent trip to Keele University
Celebrating Students' Contribution to School Life
We held a celebration breakfast in July with all of our Sports Awards winners and Annie cast and crew members.
Annie is a Big Hit
Our Performing Arts team's production of Annie was an incredible success and also helped to raise almost £500 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden trust!

Year 11 Learn Skills for Sixth Form
To help prepare them for Sixth Form, a group of our Year 11 students took part in workshops at Edge Hill University, Lancashire, in July
Year 11 Celebrate at Shrigley Hall Prom
Our Year 11 students celebrated the end of GCSEs and marked the end of their time in the main school with a Prom in July

Celebrating Sporting Excellence at CHS
We celebrated students' success in sports including curling, football, clay pigeon shooting and taekwondo at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.
Last STOP Morning of 2022/3
Students engaged in a range of PSHE topics in our final STOP Morning of the academic year.

Cloudy with a Chance of Wet Feet
Our Year 12 students' river sampling trip turned out to be a very damp event indeed!

Year 12 Biologists Succeed in Olympiad
Congratulations to all our Year 12 students who took part in the UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad in June.
Sports Day Success!
We enjoyed another fantastic Sports Day this year, with school records broken in both track and field events and a great day had by competitors and supporters alike!
Brain Games Teamwork
Students worked "Together in the Pursuit of Excellence" in our Brain Games in June.

Award Winning Author Visit
On Monday June 26th, award Winning Football Author, Matt Oldfield, will visit CHS to inspire our Year 7 and 8 students.
You've Seen the World, Now Watch the Films!
All Key Stage 3 students are welcome to join our International Film Club from 3-4pm every Wednesday in D0-11
Year 8 Learn the Benefits of Languages
In June, our Year 8 students enjoyed a talk by a team from The University of Liverpool about the life and career benefits of learning languages.
Year 10 Students win Silver and Bronze in Worldwide Competition
Congratulations to all our Year 10 students who took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge and to our eight award winning students.

Year 11's Growing Life Skills
As part of their ASDAN qualification, a group of our Year 11 students completed ten hours of work experience in May at The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church.
New Recording and Computer Equipment for Performing Arts
We've welcomed delivery of a whole suite of recording and computer equipment for our Performing Arts department and students have been quick to master the new kit.

Police Talk Helps Keep Students Safe
In May we were visited by a team from Cheshire Police who talked with students about the issues of anti-social behaviour and knife crime.
Annie Cast get Inspiration
Our Annie casts visited the Regent Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent in May to watch Jodie Prenger as Miss Hannigan direct from the West End production of the musical.
7MHT Triumph at the Year 7 Inter-Form Tournament
Congratulations to 7MHT who were the winners of our Inter-Form Tournament in May.

Annie Tickets Go on Sale
Tickets for our Performing Arts summer production of Annie the Musical go on sale from 10am on Friday 5th May.
MFL Club World Tour Arrives in China
As part of their world tour of languages, our MFL CLub students enjoyed trying their hand at Mandarin number characters and Pinyin in April.
Exciting Times Ahead
Work has now begun on both of our new builds so we are well on the way to our brand new teaching block and new dining facility!

A Rocky Reward for Year 9
In April our Year 9 students were rewarded with a day of rock climbing and abseiling in the Peak District.

Spring Captured Perfectly by Congleton Children
We've had some wonderful wildlife images sent in by Congleton school children for the Spring in a Frame photography competition and look forward to sharing them all in our Exhibition on Wednesday 17th May.

Malta Bound PE Teams Make us Proud
Our Football and Netball teams headed off to Malta for fixtures and fun in the Easter break and, right from the off, made us proud!

Amelia and Ella's Rotary Young Chef Success
Our budding chefs, Amelia and Ella, took second and third place in the Rotary Young Chef District Heat in March.
Man United Victory for Year 8 Boys
Our Year 8 Boys Football team triumphed in the Manchester United Competition in March and are through to the finals in June.

Year 8 Students Earn RESPECT
Congratulations to our eight Year 8 students who graduated from the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service RESPECT course in March

Joseph's Poster Takes Top Spot
Joseph P's fantastic 'Tracking the Links' poster won first prize in our Science team's British Science Week Connections Poster competition
Latest CHS Newsletter Out Now
Our latest Newsletter is out now and packed full of news of our vibrant school community.

Still Time to Capture the Winning Photo
There's still time to send in your wonderful wildlife photos for our competition before the Friday 14th April closing date.

A Powerful and Moving Talk for Year 10
Figen Murray, mother of Martyn Hett, gave a powerful and moving talk to our Year 10 students.

Allyssa and Maddison's Stunning City Shots
Year 10 students, Allyssa and Maddison, submitted photographs from their Art trip to Liverpool to the the Rotary Young Photographer Competition
Year 7 Tourists for a Day
All of our Year 7 students took a holiday from their usual timetable in March and enjoyed our Languages Day.
Ella and Amelia Learn from the Best
Local chef, Andrew Bourne, of The Alexandra Court Hotel, shared his culinary expertise with our two Rotary Young Chef competitors, Ella and Amelia
Ella Awarded Eric Capper Trophy
Year 9 student, Ella M, was awarded the Eric Capper Trophy for taking first place in the local heat of the Rotary Young Chef Competition.

Celebrating our South Cheshire Netball Champions
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Netball teams both triumphed in the South Cheshire Netball Tournament in March.
Design a Poster for British Science Week
We are challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a Connections themed poster for British Science Week 2023.

Home Grown Sports Leaders
A team of PE students attended a Young Leaders event in March to help them learn how to create inclusive sporting activities for fellow students.

LRC World Book Day Winners
Well done to all the students who took part in our LRC World Book Day competitions and congratulations to our winners.

World Book Day Fun at CHS
We have loads of fun activities running at CHS for World Book Day 2023.

Helping Students Plan for the Future
Year 12 students were able to get Post 16 ideas and inspiration at the UCAS Discovery Convention in February.
Introducing our Annie Casts!
So many students wanted to be part of our Performing Arts team's production of Annie, that we had to cast it twice over! Introducing both casts.

The Business of Football
Our Year 12 Business Studies students visited Port Vale FC to learn more about the Business of Football
An Eggciting Eggsperiment
Our Year 12 Psychologists took part in an eggstremely eggciting project this half-term

Fizztastic Fun in Science Club
Students had great fun making and testing bath bombs in our KS3 Science Club.

Sixth Form Biologists Investigate Conservation, Education and Rain Forest Preservation
In February our Year 12 Biologists visited Chester Zoo to investigate the role that zoos play in the conservation of species, and learn more about the impact of oil palm plantations on deforestation.
Students Consider a Career with Bentley
The Bentley Early Careers team visited in February to share information on the latest Apprenticeships available with the company.
Counting Crows (and Other Birds)
Year 7 students counted the birds they could see on our Box Lane site as part of the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch in February

Investigating IT Apprenticeship Opportunities
Digital and Technical Apprenticeship provider, Apprentify, joined us in February to discuss IT apprenticeship opportunities with students.

NSPCC Number Fun
We celebrated NSPCC Number Day at CHS with a variety of Maths-based challenges and lots of cakes and sweet treats!

Year 7's Guess the Employers Event
In February, our Careers team ran a 'Guess the Employer' event for our Year 7 students, challenging them to ask questions to establish each guest's job role and company.

Outstanding Sixth Form Netball Team Victory
A fantastic 51-1 result for our Sixth Form Netball team in their match with Manchester College.

Netball Triumph for U13 Team
Congratulations to our under 13s team - a 26-4 triumph in the Sisters nSport competition.

Eco Club will make School Spaces Greener and Cleaner Places
All students are invited to join our new Eco Club, which will run every Tuesday from 3-4pm.

Valentine's Event for our Year 7 and Year 8 Students
Our Year 7 and Year 8 students will be able to enjoy a Valentine's disco in February

Calling all Student and Staff Swimmers
We're looking for students and staff to make up teams to take part in the Congleton Rotary Swimathon in March.
An Hour Well Spent
As part of their work on block-based programming and problem solving, 7GXT worked on an Hour of Code tutorial of their choice.

Bring a Scientist to School Day
We welcomed a group of Scientists in to school in January to enlighted students as to the vast range of careers opened up by studying the Sciences.

Annie Announced - Auditions Approaching!
Annie will be our musical for 2023. Students are invited to take part in two audition workshops in preparation for the auditions.
It was Strictly Christmas at CHS
At the end of term students enjoyed the CHS version of Strictly Come Dancing, with a fabulous array of 'dancing' styles from the teaching and Senior Leadership teams!

Holly's Winning Guess
Congratulations to Year 8 Holly W who won our LRC Christmas Competition.
Social Scientists Sent to Prison
Our Sixth Form Social Scientists visited decommissioned HM Prison Shrewsbury in December to get a glimpse in to the life of a prisoner
Fantastic Performances at our Christmas Showcase
Our Christmas Showcase really demonstrated what a fantastically talented school of students we have at CHS. What a night!
Over £1,200 Raised for BBC Children in Need
Our students raised over £1,200 for BBC Children in Need this year with a range of fundraising activities that included our famous Teacher Gunging!

Testifying for the Prosecution
Natalie Carmen of the Crown Prosecution Service met with our Sixth Form A Level Law students in November to talk about her work as a Criminal Prosecutor.
Othello Theatre Trip Amazes and Inspires
A trip to the Lowry to watch Othello in November left Drama students amazed and inspired
Sixth Form Mathematicians Experience Maths in Action
A visit to Maths in Action helped our Sixth Form Mathematicians see how Maths can be used in many different ways, from fighting disease to video games and magic!

Young Chefs Serve Up Success at CHS
Eight of our students took part in the first round of the Rotary Young Chef Competition in November, producing an array of wonderful dishes.
Congleton Students Work with Mayor to Tackle Green Issues
We were delighted to welcome the Mayor of Congleton and Eaton Bank students in to school in November to discuss working together to tackle 'green' issues

CHS Supporting Children in Need 2022
We'll be supporting BBC Children in Need again this year with a range of fundraising activities
Young Scientists Save Dr Buchan's Supper!
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students used their creativity and Science knowledge to keep Dr Buchan's eggs safe!

Head Students Lay Remembrance Wreath
We were very proud to be represented at Sunday's Remembrance Day Parade by our Head Students, Grace K and Ryan C, who laid a wreath on behalf of Congleton High School.

Dual Linguists Learn Where Learning Languages Leads
In November, our dual linguists learned more about how languages can benefit their future career prospects from University of Manchester School Outreach Officer, Sonja Bernhard.

Shining a Light on A Level Physics Study
Our A Level Physics students visited the UK's national synchrotron science facility, responsible for researching everything from fossils to jet engines and viruses to vaccines.

The First CHS Christmas Market
We are very excited to be holding our first Christmas market on Friday 2nd December and look forward to welcoming students, parents, carers, families and the local community to the event.

Autumn Term Book Blitzers Rewarded
The winners of our LRC Book Blitzers Competition for the last half-term were 7HM and 7DCH.
Speed Networking Event Inspires and Informs Year 8 Students
Our Year 8 Speed Networking Event was an invaluable and inspirational opportunity for our students, which gave them really useful information about a wide range of careers and experience of talking with employers.
Rebecca Sees her Future in Parliament
Hoping to pursue a career in politics, our Year 13 student, Rebecca J, had the amazing opportunity to spend a day in Parliament over the half-term break.
City Shots Boost GCSE and A Level Portfolios
A trip to Liverpool provided our GCSE and A Level Photography students with some great images for their portfolios.

Au revoir to France and Ciao to Italy!
For the rest of term, our MFL Club students will be able to explore the language, culture and food of Italy.
Halloween Fun in the LRC
It was spooktacular in the LRC before the half-term break, with students enjoying a range of Halloween activities .
Mr Ainsley's Summer Fair Hair Promise
Mr Ainsley has promised to shave his head if Year 10 can raise £1,200 at their Summer Fair on Wednesday 6th July
A Shared Pride in CHS
Our wonderful LGBTQ+ Ambassadors ran a Pride Stall in June to raise funds for two LGBTQ+ charities.
A New Look Sports Day
Our Sports Day and Alternative Sports Day this year meant that we had something to suit everyone and students really worked together as form groups and as a school community.

Year 10 Geography Students Evaluate Effects of Regeneration
In their June fieldtrip, our Year 10 Geography students travelled to Salford Quays to evaluate the environmental quality of Salford Quays to see if the regeneration has improved it.

Court Outing
Seven of our students visited Crewe Magistrates Court in June as part of their ASDAN course, giving them a unique insight in to the role of Magistrates and the court.
At the Heart of a Historic Political Moment!
A trip to London led to a live appearance on the BBC lunchtime news for some of our A Level History and Politics students! Their visit to Westminster coincided with the release of the Sue Gray report, placing them right at the very heart of a historic political moment!