More Exam Celebrations at CHS
We welcomed our 2023-24 Year 11 class in to school in August to collect and celebrate another great set of GCSE and vocational results at CHS.

Celebrating our 2024 Sixth Form College Results
We were delighted to be able to celebrate a great set of results with our Sixth Form College students this summer and thrilled to see them achieve what they needed to progress on to the next stage of their life journey.

Congleton High Students Celebrate GCSE Success
There was a wonderful buzz in the main hall at Congleton High School on August 24th as students arrived to collect their Year 11 exam grades. Students, parents, carers and staff were delighted to gather together to celebrate the great results.
Sixth Form Students’ Results Secure First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating a strong set of A Level results again this year, which have enabled the majority of the cohort to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment destinations.

Congleton High’s Exceptional Year Results in First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places for Sixth Form Students
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating an exceptional year for A* and A grade A Level results, which has enabled the majority of the year group to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment opportunities. The school is extremely proud of the great resilience the cohort have demonstrated and the fantastic results they have achieved through their hard work and determination.